Sunday, September 30

# 15 Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and Future of Libraries

Good morning Bloggers! It's early in the day and I am here blogging. It's a bit addictive. This morning I have been reading some articles about the future of libraries in relation to new technologies - THE WEB.
We are moving at a fast rate with web use. We see people every day tapping upon a computer creating documents, searching for homes, researching assignment information or looking for recipes. The more tools that become available on the web the more people will use it.
Going to a library is becoming a thing of the past as I can check the web from the comforts of my own home. We will have to make more information more accessible to patrons. Training may take time but it might open things up for something new.
But there will always be patrons who return to the library frequently. It is still a place for socializing and for educating. And I hope this never changes. People still need the social skills of life and this is found in libraries too. Without people contact where would we be??????

Signing off.... See you shortly

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